I have known the Jobard estates for many years, and while I had my preferences before, the quality these days between Antoine and Remi Jobard has little to differentiate it. For me, Remi took a great step forward around 2014, and he is now one of the top guys in Meursault, just below the famous, hyped domaines.
Remi Jobard is making lovely, pure wines. I am not a Jobard expert. Nonetheless, here I am, just before Christmas, to sample his 2022s.
Remi Jobard Bourgogne Aligoté 2022
The entry-level aligoté is made from purchased grapes. It starts out rich and fairly reduced, although velvety for an aligoté as the 2022 character shows itself. This is vivid, with good balance. While not super refined, it is a joyful example.
(Drink From 2024) – Good – (87p)
Remi Jobard Bourgogne Blanc 2022
The Bourgogne Blanc is made from bought juice. It is elegant, with Stockinger barrels providing a nice wooden backbone. The juice comes half from Puligny-Montrachet and half from the Côte Chalonnaise, producing a vin de soif that is drinking well. It’s refined, with good balance.
(Drink From 2024) – Good – (87p) –
Domaine Remi Jobard Bourgoge Aligoté 2022
The aligoté made from Remi’s own grapes is quite a step up from the negociant version. It has clearer structure, and the nature of the 2022 vintage is handled better. This is elegant and vivid, with terrific potential hiding in its depth. Intense and thrilling, I like this a lot.
(Drink From 2027) – Very Good – (90p) –
Domaine Remi Jobard Monthelie sur la Velle 2022
This red is vivid, with great tension. An elegant wine, it shows some power from this sturdy terroir. This is another vin de soif, with rich, gorgeous notes.
(Drink From 2026) –Very Good – (88p) –
Domaine Remi Jobard Monthelie Les Champs Fulliot 2022
This is a bigger pinot noir, with more tension and verve. It has nice balance, and is quite a step up from its neighbour on la Velle. I really like how this feels in the mouth; good vibes and emotional qualities.
(Drink From 2028) – Very Good – (90p) –
Domaine Remi Jobard Meursault Sous la Velle 2022
Sous la Velle is a spot-on, classic, village Meursault – elegant and vivid. Its freshness is impressive for the vintage; wow! Delicate and vivid for a 2022, comparing it with 2014 is perhaps taking it a bit too far, but this is really enjoyable.
(Drink From 2027) – Very Good – (90p) –
Domaine Remi Jobard Meursault En Luraule 2022
Another step up, this is wonderfully elegant and vivid. Again, Stockinger barrels are employed for the 20% new oak, and they frame the wine nicely. The finely grained, pure notes from the oak really show well in a Meursault, especially in a generous year like 2022.
(Drink From 2028) – Very Good – (90p) –
Domaine Remi Jobard Meursault Les Narvaux 2022
The Narvaux is tasty, with deep fruit. Narvaux is often fairly powerful and more assertive than many villages. In the end, however, this lacks a bit of old-vine sensuality – the vines here are a “mere” 30 years old. Still, a delicious Meursault by any standard.
(Drink From 2028) – Very Good – (90p) –
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