Amphorae are the new black in Burgundy, and it is very interesting to taste wines vinified and matured in these large “formats.”

Roulot: Tasting Clos de la Boucheres from amphora
Blind tasting: regular barrel, Stockinger large barrel, stainless-steel barrel, glass amphora and regular amphora.
The result was very surprising – in different ways. Stay tuned…

Glass, wood, stainless steel …
Clos de la Commaraine
The “new” Pommard monopole is the Clos de la Commaraine estate, reviving its proud history with wines made by Louis-Michel Liger-Belair for a group of investors who seek to bring this fine, historic estate back to its old glory.

The Chateau de la Commaraine
The 2019 is showing fine promise, but the final selection and blend is not done yet. Great liveliness in all the samples, yet a strict selection will be made before the final blend is bottled.

Directeur, Château de la Commaraine…

…and its monopole
Y. Clerget
Thibaud Clerget is one of the rising stars in Burgundy. His 2019s are gorgeous, with magnificent energy and joie de vivre. Admirable and joyfull wines.

A cheerful Thibaud…

…with his 2019s – best vintage so far
Program tomorrow
Tomorrow: Arnoux-Lachaux, Domaine Henri Gouges, Chopin … and a nice surprise!