The year 2024 has been tough for both Vignerons and the Winehog.
Inflation is high, prices are rising… and the expenditures of running a website like Winehog is growing as we speak.
I have tried to keep the subscriptions quite low price vice, but I will have to adjust soon to make ends meet. So renew your subscription before inflation hits – remember to subscribe
It is great to be in Burgundy … but I constantly need to look at the business model to optimize. I would, to be honest rather focus on wine, vintages and vineyards.
Regardless of financial challenges … I send you all my best wishes for 2025, including a strong appeal to the French government:
You … we … need to lower the taxes related to transferring estates and vineyards to the next generation. The inheritance tax is killing Burgundy as we speak – and with that the domains we know – great local wines from small estates, where the vigneron herself/himself is receiving you and also working in the cellar and even in the vineyards. This is the true core and beauty of the Burgundy we love!
I remain optimistic with strong hopes for the new generation of vignerons and am amazed by the fine Burgundy wines made despite global warming. Pinot Noir, chardonnay, and aligoté have – along with the best growers – adapted surprisingly well to the hotter conditions.
The tax situation is however not helping the new and young vignerons as the generation changes are becoming more and more difficult – taxes have increased dramatically as the prices on Vineyards have grown over the years. This could in the end destroy the Burgundy we love and enjoy!
More about the inheritance tax issue to come on Winehog in 2025
Support Winehog here
The Winehog is subscription-based, but if you feel a strong urge to support further, you are very welcome.
Winehog is a one-man band, hence there is no multinational support or wealthy investors … just me, Steen Öhman – the Winehog himself. It has its limitations but is also my freedom to state my views.
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Always remember to subscribe
Nevertheless … remember to subscribe, as this literally puts bread on my table.
I hope to see you; I will be in Burgundy all year …
Greeting from The Winehog – Steen Öhman
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